Confidentiality of the counselling process.

Clients' confidentiality is fundamental to counselling.

Clients bring their private situations and issues to counselling. I respect that privacy and maintain a strict regime of confidentiality within statutory laws and the code of ethics of the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP).

I explain the rules of confidentiality during the first introductory session. The confidentiality of counselling involves maintaining strict privacy between the counsellor and the client, to the extent that counsellors will not reveal any information of counselling session to others. That includes not revealing that counselling is proceeding to people outside the counselling process.

I make notes for my reference and planning future counselling with clients. These notes are kept securely and only accessed by me, unless a subpoena from a court of law might force me to produce them. That would be an exceptional situation.

There are few situations in which a person can truly express their emotions and feelings where they can feel that those expressions will be listened to and understood without judgement, criticism, suggestions, or thinking that the communication may "spread" by people talking about your problems. Professional counselling provides that confidentiality, which is essential to the process.

Exceptions to confidentiality:

  • Risk of Harm: If I believed that you or others were at risk; I would advise you, if possible, of my intention to inform the appropriate agencies or authorities; I would then do so.
  • Legal: Counsellors are required to inform of terrorism, money laundering, serious drug trafficking and to comply with statutory requirements and court supenas. These are exceptional situations, which have never yet occurred in my practice.
  • Supervision:  Counsellors use supervision, from another supervising counsellor who is more experienced and qualified as a supervisor. That supervision is essentially used as a method of bringing another viewpoint and possibly different considerations to the counselling processes. Commonly the counsellor will not disclose the identity of the client to their supervisor, as it will not be necessary.  

For a prompt appointment email, call or text: 07757 233386. I may be with a client, or otherwise occupied, in which case please leave a message with your contact number. I will respond promptly. Or email: Or use the contact page to send me a message.